United States - PerPayment Ads Trading Program

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PerPayment United States
Corporate Ads Trading A/C Opening

5 Step Process

  1. Complete this application form with setup fees for allotment of PerPayment Dedicated Account Manager
  2. Setup fees is used to assign PerPayment Account Manager who will handle your account.
  3. PerPayment Account Manager will have detailed PerPayment Introduction Video Call
  4. Based on discussion with your Account Manager you can decide Ads Trading Strategy for your Account
  5. Your Bank Account is integerated to recieve credit for Income through your PerPayment Ads Trading Account

Citizens of United States are eligible
PerPayment Ads Trading A/C Form
Earn up to US$ 3000 per conversion

Return On Investment - PerPayment Ads Trading

Note : For PerPayment Ad Network Platform One Time Fees and Hiring PerPayment Ads Trading Account Manager you will have to pay online $ 500

Below Add-Ons for Ads Trading, On-Boarding would be provided post above payment for Platform Fees and Hiring a PerPayment Account Manager to you.

•⁠ ⁠For every Ads Trading client post payment of $ 500 as an AddOn HireKhan Manpower Gold Membership will be activated for you along with US$ 500 will be credited your HireKhan Wallet. So that you can use to hire manpower resources and redeem the HK Wallet balance if need be.

•⁠ American Ratings – DigitalCert ID which consists of Business A-I-R-S Number & Website Seal will be provided to you – without any additional cost.

•⁠ ⁠Fintech Platform - Fundacle Investor Profile Membership would be provided to you – without any additional cost.